framed diversity

Framed Diversity is an art project by Michael Eliasch and Johannes Baluch, two artists whose skills unite in a symbiosis. Their pieces show a pool of subjects of architectural, structural and landscape photography, which is expanded by painting and therefore breaks the traditional frame of a picture. By extending the subject beyond the edge of the photograph, a connection between two art genres is being made. The expansion of the photographs by painting is not an obvious reproduction of the picture, but rather an opening for illusionistic and cynical moments. The photography gains space, illusion and suspense.

"Michi guck in die Luft", 2020, 50*70 cm

"Gollum´s tower", 2020, 50*70 cm

"Depardieu", 2018, 50*70 cm

"Cattelan", 2018, 40*50 cm

"Ich dachte es sind Menschen, es sind aber leider Wiener."

-Helmut Qualtinger

"Easy jump", 2016, 50*70 cm

"Maschendrahtzaun", 2015, 50*70 cm

"Society is a construct", 2020, 50*70 cm

"Fresh Water", 2018, 50*70

"Multi-Layer", 2018, 50*70 cm

"24<23", 2018, 50*70 cm

Mit der Frage "Wie gehts?" und der Antwort "passt scho" gelingt es den Wiener*innen  schwierige Sachverhalte perfekt auf den Punkt zu bringen.

"Sparrow", 2018, 50*70 cm

"Handbags", 2018, 50*70 cm

"Ishiro Honda", 2015, 40*50 cm

"Boulder Timmi", 2018, 40*50 cm

"Generation ollie", 2018, 50*70 cm

"Elvis lebt", 2015, 50*70 cm

Was die Wiener Société mit "Steigen Sie auch aus?" wirklich meint: Schleich di du Wappler!

"Rapunz", 2018, 50*70 cm

"Hotel California", 2018, 50*70 cm

"Sabrina", 2015, 50*70 cm

"Puerta/Porta", 2018, 50*70

"Webdesign", 2016, 40*50 cm

"Tavern on the green", 2018, 40*50

"Why do they call it rush hour, when nothing moves?"

- Robin Williams

"Robophilia", 2018, 50*70 cm

"Edy Tavares", 2018, 50*70 cm

"Twisted", 2016, Norway, 50*70 cm

"Neil Armstrong", 2015, 50*70 cm

"Think different", 2020, 40*50 cm

"Escape", 2016, 40*50 cm

Suppe des Tages: Bier

"World language", 2018, 50*70 cm

"Not today Che", 2020, 50*70 cm

"dissolve", 2020, 50*70 cm

"untitled", 2015, 50*70

"The second draft of everything is still shit."

-Johannes Baluch

"Kites are cool", 2016, 50*70 cm

"To bear or not to bear", 2018, 50*70 cm

"Iron Sky", 2017, 50*70 cm

"Flash aaahaaa", 2018, 50*70 cm

"Der Anspruch an mich selbst ist, auf mein Verhalten zurückzublicken und zu bemerken, dass ich auch letztes Jahr ein richtiger Vollpfosten war."

-Johannes Baluch

"Insel in Sicht", 2020, 40*50 cm

"In der Würze liegt die Würze", 2015, 40*50 cm

"Gender Equality", 2018, 40*50 cm

"David Belle", 2018, 40*50 cm

"If only you would be altogether silent!
    For you, that would be wisdom."

- Job 13:5

Untitled, 2020, 40*50 cm

"Buzz Aldrin", 2015, 40*50 cm

"Number 1", 2015, 40*50 cm

"H.R. Giger vs Stan Winston", 2018, 40*50 cm